The story is quite difficult to explain but involves the disappearance of Alan's wife from the cabin they rented to help get him out of his writer's block. Alan then begins to question his sanity, and as the viewer/player you soon begin questioning his sanity too as you go through each episode. At some points in the game I wondered if Alan was just dreaming, at other points I wondered if what I was watching was some twisted TV show that Alan himself wasn't aware he was in, another thought I had was that I was watching a book that someone was writing if that makes sense. Finally I started to think he was just plain old insane in the membrane. I won't spoil the ending, or if any of these scenarios are what is actually going on but I will say that most but not all things are wrapped up, though not in a very explanatory way. Hopefully the next two episodes which are downloadable content should help to explain some of the mysteries left open.
The graphics and sound were both exactly what you would expect from a 360 game, which by the way is the only system this game is available on. The only complaint I had about the graphics, which you will also read about on other game review sites is that there was a lot of screen tearing. Screen tearing is when the screen gets all fuzzy and distorted at points during the game. The gameplay was again a very strong part of the game and though it is quite repetitive I never found myself getting bored. Alan doesn't have access to machine guns or laser pistols as seen in other games, but what little he does have comes in handy. You can use a basic pistol, hunting rifles, shotugns, even flareguns to take out your enemies, AKA "The Taken." Another tool you have at your disposal are flashlights of different varieties. These are used to weaken the Taken until the point at which they can be shot. Ammo isn't really a problem when playing the "Normal" mode of the game and I have yet to experience "Nightmare" mode which is unlocked after beating the game on normal so I can't really tell you how much harder it gets. One more cool note about the game is that while you are adventuring through the Pacific Northwest which is where this game takes place you will find pieces of a manuscript which helps to explain exactly just what is going on. A tip for anyone reading this is as you find the manuscripts don't actually read them until you beat the game because they can spoil upcoming events before they actually happen. You will also find coffee thermoses hidden throughout each episode as well which is an obvious reference to Twin Peaks, and fans of the show will understand. I highly recommend a rental of Alan Wake at the very least, but if you enjoy Thriller/Horror action style games on the XBox 360 then you just might want to go out and purchase this one.
Oh and by the way I added some Facebook badges over there on the right so go ahead and click them and become friends with me and "like" the official HalloweenOverkill Facebook page which you can link to from another Facebook badge a little bit more towards the top of the blog. I will be doing exclusive posts and giveaways over there, but don't worry this is still your HalloweenOverkill home and should be the first place you check for some wonderful Halloween deliciousness! Also check back tomorrow for my 4th of July giveaway which actually has nothing to do with the noble holiday, and I will also show you ghouls something I discovered in my closet as I was packing today (what was it? you'll have to come back tomorrow to see, but it's pretty neat) as we get ready for the big move to Monroeville, YES you read that right Monroeville, the home of the Monroeville Mall from the Romero classic Dawn of the Dead.
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