So what do you think? Is there something I should change? Love it? Hate it? Also I wanted to point out that I added a twitter feed so you can follow me on twitter now as well. It should be over to the right, so click on join the conversation to see my twitter page. One more thing before I close the night out folks. Do any of you enjoy carving pumpkins? Do you also love eating watermelon? Is there any way those two activities may fit together? If not lets just say you may want to buy a watermelon and bust out your pumpkin carving tools early. If you're wondering why, its all connected to the Wild Eye contest that will be running next week. I will drop the details this weekend so stay tuned and keep your eyes peeled.
p.s. This was another late night post without the editor so it may look like a total catastrophe.
I like your rating system and look forward to the reviews. I depend on you to tell me what movies stink so I can avoid them.
wow you comment faster than I can edit the post, haha
that's a good thing though!! Thank you so much for the time you spend here!
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