Thursday, August 19, 2010

Anyone interested?

In having a horror draft?  Entrants would draft a team of horror movies and would then face off against another team which would then go to a vote on who has the better team of horror films?  We would have a set number of entrants and hopefully by the end we would have some prizes for the winner (although I'd like to compete also).  This is something that I've seen done over at and other horror sites and it sounds like a blast.  So again comment if you are interested, I'd like to have at least 10 or 12 people interested before we got it started.
HorrorBlips: vote it up!


Sharon Day said...

It sounds like you're onto something. Go for it!

Halloweenman666 said...

Are you interested in a team Autumn??

Sam Hain said...

Alright, I'll throw my hat into this haha.

Jeremy [Retro] said...

i am not really sure what to do, but let me in... like a fantasy league... i think.

it's early and i need me coffee...

Halloweenman666 said...

Sweet, so far we have iZombie, The Halloween Blues, Team Autumn (I think), and myself. We need about 6 or 8 more people to get in on this and then we will start drafting the teams.

Chris 'Frog Queen' Davis said...

I would love too, but I am not sure about time before Halloween. Let me know more, if the Graveyard crew can make it work we would love to.


Melissa Helwig said...

Count me in too.

cynniegurl said...

i'd like to do it although not sure how it works...

Halloweenman666 said...

awesome, this is gonna be sweet once we get a few more people to do this and we can all agree on a night to meet on my live chat to do the draft.