April 2nd
B is for Boomstick!
Keeping with the theme of using "Tools of the horror trade" for the blog challenge I decided today to go with Boomstick. I could have gone with blade, or butcher knife, or even bullet, but how boring is that? I picked what has to be the coolest weapon used in a horror film---that starts with a B. This is my BOOMSTICK posting.
If you're wondering where you can find the boomstick it can be found in your sporting goods department at your local S-Mart. So why the boomstick? Well is there any other "tool" with more stopping power than a shotgun, a.k.a. Boomstick when dealing with a deadite infestation? I don't think so. Also Bruce Campbell and the Evil Dead series were some of the first things I was exposed to in the world of horror home video. The Evil Dead and more specifically Army of Darkness are still some of my favorite horror movies to this day. Bruce Campbell also happens to be one of my favorite actors to watch even though some of his most recent work hasn't been horror related, but still manages to kick ass. If you haven't seen Mr. Campbell in some of his most recent work you should check out "Burn Notice", the show is amazing! (Jeffrey Donovan kicks ass in it as well!)
Allright you primitive screwheads if you wish you had a boomstick to deal with your pesky deadite problem then "come get some" in the comments. A little overboard on the evil dead comments?If you're wondering where you can find the boomstick it can be found in your sporting goods department at your local S-Mart. So why the boomstick? Well is there any other "tool" with more stopping power than a shotgun, a.k.a. Boomstick when dealing with a deadite infestation? I don't think so. Also Bruce Campbell and the Evil Dead series were some of the first things I was exposed to in the world of horror home video. The Evil Dead and more specifically Army of Darkness are still some of my favorite horror movies to this day. Bruce Campbell also happens to be one of my favorite actors to watch even though some of his most recent work hasn't been horror related, but still manages to kick ass. If you haven't seen Mr. Campbell in some of his most recent work you should check out "Burn Notice", the show is amazing! (Jeffrey Donovan kicks ass in it as well!)
Oh yeah by the way....... (spoilers!!!)
Super "almost" secret director's cut ending stillshot
bruce, boomstick... still such a great film and the world needs another. though if we wait long enough it will get a reboot.
jeremy [iZombie]
What a creative theme for the challenge, I originally read broomstick and was wracking my brain for a horror film that used a broomstick as the weapon, glad you included pictures or I would have continued mis-reading it through the whole post.
Just get a broomstick from the grocery store and pour some of your magic witches brew on it. You know, orange juice and bird feathers. One to give it some bite, the other to make you fly.
HAHA that's BOOMSTICK not broomstick Angela, or am I missing the joke?
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